
Stay in the Huddle


"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
-John 15:5 (NIV) 


FCA Camp was awesome again this year. If you’ve never been to one, I highly encourage you to check one out in the future!

What makes FCA Camp so great? What is it about camp that we miss when we leave? Why do we want camp to last longer than a week? Think about it: FCA Camp offers an environment in which we are encouraged to be in God’s Word, to freely Worship Him, to enjoy fellowship with His people and to spend time with Him in Prayer. For one short week it seems that we can push away the things of this world and focus entirely on Him. We are truly abiding in Him. And when we abide in Him the things of this world fade away. Relationships are sweeter, worship is more focused and prayer seems richer.

I appreciate the environment of FCA Camp, but since we can’t actually live at camp (although I know some who would like to), we need to create a spiritual environment in our daily lives away from camp. Jesus is clear in John 15:5 that apart from Him we can do nothing. A healthy branch is attached to the vine. The branch gets its nourishment form the vine. If the branch is not attached to the vine, it will wither and die. The reason FCA Camp is so great is because we are attached to the Vine and our souls are being nourished.

Every day, we need to stay connected to Jesus (the Vine) through daily prayer, the reading of His Word and through fellowshipping with like-minded believers, just like we did at camp. So, how do we do this? By joining a group of believers in which Jesus is the center. He’s the center of the discussion, the focus of our pursuits and the source of our nourishment. That can be, naturally, an FCA Huddle, a small group at church or a team Bible study, to name a few. The one requirement is that Jesus be the Huddle Leader.

Today, in order to stay in camp, we need to stay in His Huddle. 


1. If you went to FCA Camp this summer, are you recreating that environment at home?
2. Are you in God’s Word every day? Are you praying? Are you fellowshipping with like-minded believers?
3. What is nourishing your soul? The Vine or the world?
4. Are you in a group of believers? If not, do you need to start an FCA Huddle? If so, contact your local FCA staff and ask how! 


Romans 12:2
John 15:1-5 

Bible Reference: 
Romans 12