Being a Christ-follower means living with integrity. One of the fastest ways to lose it is to make excuses.
- Devotional
No Excuses
When I was 12, I was playing second base for an all-star team. I still remember dropping that pop fly that ended up, in part... - Devotional
One of the easiest things to do in sports is to make excuses for a bad performance. Usually, the officials get blamed for our poor performance or...
Making Excuses
- Devotional
Finger Pointing and the Blame Game
As an English teacher, I instruct my students to look for symbols in literature. As a basketball coach, I often use symbols from literature to...
- Devotional
Announcer: “Welcome to the new sports game show sweeping the nation in which two contestants compete together to see who can deny responsibility...
The Blame Game
- Devotional
No Excuses!
I once worked with a head football coach who had a large sign behind his desk that simply read “No Excuses.” What this meant to his staff and...
- Devotional
Arguments, fights and tantrums are huge parts of sports today. At every level you can see these displays. Little league parents fight in the...
I Was Wrong
- Audio
Excuse-Free Living
It’s time to stop making excuses. - Audio
Are you tired of making excuses for why things are’nt the way you want? - Audio
Excuses Kill
If you are good at making excuses you won’t be good at anything else. - Audio
No Excuses. Period.
I think you know what this is about! - Audio
The Third ‘No’ - No Excuses! Are you tired of having an excuse for everything? Well those days are over! - Audio
Excuses - Am I Good at it?
We all have a list of reasons excuses for why we don’t get it done! - Video
3-Minute Drill - Matt Capps Video Study Part 3
- Article
Fit4Ever: Move Those Chains
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its...