
Avoid a Cover-up


“The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.” – Proverbs 28:13


My husband once told me a story about his days in middle school gym class. He and his friends would play so hard that they would be covered in sweat by the time gym was over, causing them to smell bad for the remainder of the school day. Instead of changing into new clothes, he said all the boys would spray Axe body spray in hopes of covering up the smell. But, despite their best efforts, they only made a new smell: Axe mixed with sweat. Their coverup didn’t work.

Christians have a similar issue; we often cover up our messes and create only new ones. The Bible tells us that all people have sinned and messed up. Just like middle school boys, we are covered in the smell of our sins, regrets and mistakes. Most times, instead of going to God and asking for His forgiveness and a change of heart, we spray other situations, excuses and options all over us, hoping we can cover up sin’s smell. This coverup does not work. It only creates a new smell and worsens our pain, regret and shame.

We cannot cover up our sins, but Jesus can remove them. When God sent Jesus to take on our sins on the cross, His loving grace made a way for our sins to be forgiven, washed away, and completely covered up. As we mess up repeatedly, we have nothing in our power that can cover up our sins; however, God made a way in His power to thoroughly wash away our sins and create in us a new, refreshing heart.

As we continue life, let’s not try to cover up when we sin but run to God’s forgiveness and grace and be washed clean.

  • Have you ever tried to cover up something, and it only got worse?
  • Why does God not want us to fix our sins ourselves?
  • What is something you have been trying to cover up but need to give to God?

“God, I often try to cover up my sin. I feel dirty from the decisions, words, actions and mistakes that I have made. Instead of trying to fix them myself and cover them up, let me run to You, trusting and rejoicing that You will wash me clean. Thank You for forgiving me forever. Amen.”