
Beyond the Scoreboard


“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” -- Romans 12:2


How much do you want to win? Have you ever felt like winning a game is just a pattern of this world? Have you ever wondered if there’s something more? We practice, we lift weights, we train and watch film to prepare for game day. And when we fall short, we can feel a tremendous amount of pain and shame for losing.

When we lose, we train and work harder to ensure we win. Competitors get cut and even fired if their performance isn’t the gold standard.  We can easily become driven by the next win and trophy.

But as a follower of God, how do we ensure that our faith walk, our walk with Jesus, carries that same passion as winning a game, or even, just the love of the game? It’s not an easy question to answer or at least put into practice.

And while there’s no ill intention about pursuing the sports that give us joy and happiness, we can lose sight of the win apart from the scoreboard.

So, how is it done?

If we read God’s Word daily, pray consistently, worship God, take part in community with other believers, be careful about what we listen to and watch, and put as much effort into aligning ourselves with God as we do preparing for our next match, we might see the result in action. But there’s more.

We are not ill-equipped. We have the best Coach and the best Playbook we could ever ask for. As Jesus as our Guide, our Teacher, our Savior, we have the perfect example to follow. We are never alone. And all we have to do is ask Him to come alongside us.

So, let me encourage you.

The next time you feel something missing about your life or your sport, remember, Jesus calls you to so much more. And Jesus’ roster is for EVERYONE. There’s no pressure of making His team.

As you compete this week, remember, there’s more than the world’s view of winning. It’s Jesus, and He’s calling. How will you answer?

  • If you knew Jesus called you to a walk with Him beyond the scoreboard, how would you answer?
  • Do you know anyone on your team or in your community who just focuses on the wins of the game? How can you encourage them that there’s more?

Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 119:133


“Dear God, thank You for sending us Jesus for He is my light in the darkness. Help me to focus on the win beyond the scoreboard. Help me to show others You in me as I compete and train. Amen.”