
The Champion's Learning Curve


“These things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come.” -- 1 Corinthians 10:11


The learning curve: it’s a certainty within competitive sports. Champions must be ready to learn quickly. There’s not a lot of extra time during practice for excessive repetition. And sometimes, second- and third-string players get very little practice time and often no reps at all. Their learning comes through observation, and yet they must be ready to jump into the game at a moment’s notice.

True champions in life and sport learn how to succeed based on the accomplishments and failures of others. They use everyday examples to strengthen their resolve when facing the temptation to make bad decisions.

In Judges 15, we read that Samson took the jawbone of a donkey and killed 1,000 Philistines. One man versus 1,000 and 1,000 men die. When he stood atop the 990 dead men, what do you think the last 10 men thought? Perhaps they whispered among themselves, “He won’t kill us, we are smarter than the others!” Regardless, they died, too.

We all know people who haven’t learned from the bad decisions those around them have made. Why make the same mistakes as others thinking you can escape their regrettable fate? Let’s be quick to learn from those around us and not hesitate to make wiser decisions.

  • How can you increase your learning curve in your sport and in your Christian walk?
  • Can you recall a time when you made a wiser decision based on a poor decision by a teammate or friend?

“Lord, forgive me for the times I’ve chosen to go my own way. Give me the courage to honor Your principles and gain wisdom from the examples You’ve laid before me. Amen.”