
Disappointment is Not Forever


“…we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9b


If you play sports, you will face disappointment. If your team is not having the season you hoped for, you could be disappointed. If you feel like your performance has not helped the team succeed, you may be disappointed. If you are not seeing playing time, you might be disappointed. If you are injured and can’t play, you are probably disappointed.

There are two things to remember in the face of disappointment, in sports or life. One is that we are made in God’s image. Genesis 1:26-27 says as much. His imprint is on us, making us unique in all creation. This also gives us value. Our value is not found in athletic success, classroom success, business success or anything else. James 3:9 warns against speaking against other people because we “are made in God’s likeness.”

Secondly, remember that as you pursue what God has put in your heart, athletically or otherwise, don’t get tired of doing what is right throughout that pursuit. In Galatians 6, Paul reminds the Galatian church that making efforts for God is hard. But it will be worth it when the harvest comes, if we don’t give up. Doing things for the Lord in the right way may seem harder, but they glorify the Lord in the end, and “we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Times of disappointment will not last forever. Don’t let your spirit be bogged down with negative thoughts. YOU carry the image of God on you, and if He has given you something to do, it will come to pass if you keep going.

  • What has been your biggest disappointment in sports?
  • What are some disappointments you’ve had in life?
  • How do you find godly encouragement to keep going?

“Father, You created me with Your own hands. Thank You for making me and giving me purpose in Your Son. Please grant me the strength to keep moving forward. In His name, I pray. Amen.”