
Everybody Loves a Comeback


"...If God is for us, who is against us?"-- Romans 8:31


Everybody loves a great comeback. In 2003, the Indianapolis Colts scored 21 points in the final five minutes to beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38–35. Vince Lombardi once said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”

The Bible is full of great comebacks. God often chose to use people who, by our standards, didn’t seem like the right person for the job or had a losing record. One great example is Peter. Peter was a chosen disciple by Jesus and spent a lot of time with Jesus. Peter walked on water and saw Jesus perform many miracles. But as the death of Jesus neared, Peter fell asleep while praying and even denied knowing Jesus three times! In Matthew 16:13–20, we see that God redeems Peter, and Peter makes his great comeback. Peter will be the Rock on which Christ builds His Church (Matthew 16:18).

There are countless other stories in the Bible about God using broken people to make great comebacks for His glory. In Christ, we will have victory, no matter how bad the outcome looks when there are only five minutes left on the clock.  

  • In what current situations in your sports life do you feel like you need God's help to make a comeback?
  • Who can you share your comeback testimony with? Reach out to a teammate or fellow coach. 

Acts 9; Matthew 16:13–20


Lord, please help me remain strong in my faith in You. Help me see where I lack faith. Help me glorify You in times of victory and use me to build Your Kingdom. Amen.