
Fear is not the Victor


“God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its water roars and foams and the mountains quake with its turmoil.” – Psalm 46:1-2


Those of us who live with fear in the forefront of our brain tend to see danger at every turn. Our lives are filled with “what if” situations that paralyze us from action.

We tend not to dream too big but instead wait for the other shoe to drop. When things are going good in our lives, we can only see the impending doom ahead because “it’s too good to be true” is our life motto.

In some ways, these people are correct; there will be times of trouble in your life. You might not make the varsity squad after practicing all summer. An injury might derail your career, and your scholarship might vanish. We will lose people we love and be tested far beyond our strength.

We need to remember that through all these troubles and the ones yet to come, God is always our refuge and strength. He is always there to help us in times of need. I love how Psalm 46 begins with who God is, telling us that no matter our fears and anxieties, God is always first. So, no matter what is going on around us we don’t need to be afraid.

Have Christ at the forefront of your mind, and then the fears won’t be as consuming. Focus on God and seek Him in everything you do, and you will experience the protection of the Helper when the times of trouble come.

It is easy to focus on the anxieties and fears surrounding you. What is challenging is not letting them control your thoughts and instead look upon God.

  • What troubles are causing you to be afraid?
  • What does it look like to focus on Christ first?
  • How does God help you in times of trouble?

“God, thank You for always being bigger than our fears. You remind us that there will always be troubles in this world, but no more than the troubles. You will be there to help and guide us. Let the fears of our life not control us, but instead let us look upon You for peace. Amen.”