Fifty Years, One Mission
"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ..."
-Philippians 1:27
Looking back on the past weekend's FCA 50th Anniversary celebration, I can only think of one word: AMAZING. I am not sure how many people were there, but it does not matter, it was the spirit of fellowship, spirit of unity, and the Spirit of God that was present in Kansas City. All who attended were blessed in a great way.
How does one even begin to describe what happened? Simply, a crowd full of influence spreading its corporate wings to begin flight for a new 50 years. In attendance were many great legends of FCA: Don McClanen (founder of FCA), John Erickson, Ray Hildebrand, Les Steckel, Betsy King, Peggy Kirk Bell, Fisher DeBerry, and many more outstanding men and women who have made FCA what it is today. We had an opportunity to see the past, but it is the future that inspires us to press on ahead. I had the opportunity at the Home Office to talk to Coach and Mrs. McClanen. I asked them if they ever imagined 50 years ago that FCA would be what it is today? The humbly answered no, but were not surprised either. They know that our God is great and His Glory has and will be seen through FCA for years to come.
The one mission that has been so prevalent was shared by nearly every speaker. Everyone from Coach Ron Brown to Mrs. Anne Graham Lotz shared the basic mission of reaching coaches and athletes for Jesus Christ using the INFLUENCE of our relationship through sport to bring Jesus Christ all Glory, Honor and Praise! How fitting it was on Sunday to lift our voices as one with the chorus "Majesty, Worship His Majesty."
What does the next 50 years hold for FCA? My prayer will be that God will help us "keep the main thing the main thing" and that we will be "ready, ready, ready" to continue to use our influence to reach others for HIM. Thanks to Coach Shealy, Home Office, Field Staff, Donors, Volunteers and most of all Jesus Christ for allowing the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to serve the Kingdom for 50 years. May we be ever inspired to keep the torch burning bright forever and ever … AMEN!
1. What has your influence for Christ been lately?
2. How can you starting making a difference for Him in you area of influence?
3. Take time today to write a note to thank someone for bringing you into the influence of FCA and Jesus Christ!
1 Thessalonians 4:1-2
Colossians 1:24-29