
Fight the Lies


“Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you continue in my word, you really are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32


The mental side of sports can be just as punishing as the physical side. We are told to run hard, lift heavier, move faster and think quicker. Rarely are we taught how to improve our mental side of the game until we are struggling with it.

The main culprit of the mental side of sports is the lies that we believe. When you step up to the plate, your brain tells you, “You are just going to strike out.” That’s a mental attack that affects the physical success of your game. That crafty lie can quickly turn into the truth if we let it hold us captive in our heads. Thankfully, there are ways and tools to help dismiss the lies and cling to the truth.

Jesus reminds us that He is the Truth, and by knowing Him and what He tells us in Scripture, we can know the Truth. Just like we have to work to improve our physical game, we have to train and put work in to help improve our mental game. In our Christian walk, that work is getting into the Word.

When we study the Truth, Satan has a harder time confusing us with lies. In addition to fighting back when Satan tries to attack us, Scripture tells us that the Truth we learn will set us free. We can be free from lies and attacks, and the anxiety that plagues our daily lives can be eliminated. We learn this Truth when we walk close to Christ and stay plugged into His Word.

Next time you’re plagued with lies, open God’s Word and find the Truth that will fight back. It’s there waiting for us to use.

  • What is a lie that you believe in your life today?
  • Do you desire to be free from these lies, or do you have your identity routed in them?
  • Recall a time when the truth set you free. How did that make you feel?

“God, You set me free. I feel weighed down by the lies attacking my brain and spirit. Your Word is the Truth; what You say about me is the truth. Help me believe Your Word and not succumb to the lies. Satan has no stronghold over me that You cannot defeat. Set me free, Oh God. Amen.”