
Fuel For the Long Haul


Pray then like this: “Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgiven our debtors. And lead us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil.” - Matthew 6:19-13


As an endurance athlete, you think a lot about energy. When you are competing in events which take 7- 10 hours to complete, you must carefully meter the rate, volume, and nutritional composition of what you ingest during the course of a race. Too much, and you may suffer from stomach problems. Too little, and you may “bonk” and potentially get to see three letters after your name which all racers dread – DNF (Did Not Finish). Like Goldilocks, you are looking for the “just right” blend to keep you properly supplied with nutrition, hydration, and electrolytes so that you may complete the race well.

While this is something every endurance athlete must learn - and many the hard way - it is not news to God. In the LORD’s prayer, Jesus teaches us to ask God for our daily bread. Enough to sustain us in doing his will, but not so much as to slow us down. For this same reason, he sent out his disciples to preach, teach, and heal as he had done without extra tunics, sandals, or money. This allowed them to travel quickly, helped them to trust God for their provision, and invited others to participate in their ministry by supporting them. As sojourner a here in this world, we need to learn to travel light, so that we may finish well the race God has laid out for us!

  1. What material or other burdens are weighing you down?
  2. Are you fueling up by being in the word and prayer daily?
  3. How could you simplify your life in a way that would allow you to more successfully run the race God has put you on?

Matthew 4:4; John 4:14; Matthew 10:7-14


Heavenly Father, you know what we need – and what we don’t. Give us this day our daily bread and teach us to trust in you than we may run the race you have set out us and finish well.