
Give Him All the Glory


“But can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden cane walk by itself?” -- Isaiah 10:15


There are many characteristics that make an athlete a successful one. Being an athlete takes a certain grit to take on the daily grind of training to gain strength, grow, and reach goals. To be a competitor requires determination, drive, focus, intention, stamina, and strength to do well and be successful. When we do reach our goals, whether they are simply stepping stones, or the biggest win of the season, it feels good! It feels good to look back at the hours spent in the gym, time spent on and off the field, and the sacrifices we made to make it to where we have arrived. It’s easy to make it seem like we did it all on our own. But it’s important to remember that we don’t deserve all the credit.

As Christian competitors, we know that we have a divine Creator, who carefully designed us with intent, detail, and purpose. He formed us in His image and crafted us individually to be unique from one another. He is the One who gives us strength, lifts us up, and empowers us to accomplish the goals set before us. We need to be conscious of who we choose to glorify in our victories. Is it you, or is it the One who made you?

Are the words you use, your actions, thoughts, and the placement of your heart focused on praising yourself and putting yourself first, or do you desire to magnify God’s power through your successes? Throughout our entire lives, careers, and goals, we should be so completely dedicated to Jesus that in everything we do, we can’t help but make Him greater than everything and everyone else. Our successes and victories are not met by our own strengths but by the strength and power given to us by our Heavenly Father. Allow your life to be about Christ. Let your wins, your victories, and your successes bring Him the honor, glory, and praise forever.

  • Do your successes bring glory to you or to God?
  • How can you intentionally honor God as a competitor?
  • How does honoring God before yourself alter the posture of your heart?

Psalm 115:1; Colossians 3:17; John 3:30


“Heavenly Father, thank You for creating me and giving me all the strength I need to accomplish the goals You have set before me. Forgive me for the times I had allowed the praise and glory to lift me up. I know that You are the One who truly lifts me up, and You deserve all of the honor and praise. I love You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.”

Bible Reference: 
Isaiah 10:15
Psalms 115:1
Colossians 3:17
John 3:30