
Let's Always Be Thankful


“‘There’s a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish—but what are they for so many?’ Jesus said, ‘Have the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass in that place; so they sat down. The men numbered about five thousand. Then Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks he distributed them to those who were seated—so also with the fish, as much as they wanted.” – John 6:9-11


Have you ever given thanks for not having enough?

When we’re down a player, I doubt many of us are giving thanks for our team’s seeming disadvantage. Few sing praises when they don’t have enough money to buy the new cleats they want. We don’t look at our run-down field full of holes and thank God for His provisions.

It’s a wild concept utterly foreign to us to thank God for what we deem insufficient. There needed to be more food when Jesus and His disciples were about to feed the 5,000. There were five loaves of bread and two fish to feed over 5,000 people. Even then, Jesus gave thanks to God for what He did have.

Jesus knew God would provide, but I doubt the disciples had that strong faith. They were more than likely thinking, “Why is He thanking God for not having enough food?” We may deem something unworthy, but we have no idea what God plans on doing next. All we can do each day is thank God for what we see and have and trust that He knows what’s enough and what’s not.

If God doesn’t see something as enough, He will fix the problem. If He does deem something complete, He will show us how to live and thrive with what He has given us.

Next time you find yourself wanting, take a moment to pause and thank God for what you do have. I’m sure you will realize you are blessed with much more than you are without.

  • Where in your life do you feel lacking?
  • Even in the drought season, how can we learn to be thankful?
  • What do you believe you need more of?

“God, our Provider. You know all our needs before we even request them. Guide us, Lord, to a heart of thankfulness for the many blessings You give us daily. Help us not to stay stuck on what we don’t have but constantly thank You for what You have given us. Remind us that all things come and go through You. Amen.”