
Love of a Support System


“We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19


As competitors, we know that to grow, push our limits, reach our goals and compete well, we must have a strong support system. Imagine life without any support--someone to turn to for encouragement, help or someone cheering you on through a difficult season. Maybe it’s your parent who speaks life into you every day or it’s the encouraging words your coach says that keep you on the team. Maybe it’s the fact that your sibling never once misses your games or it’s your school counselors or teachers who push you because they truly believe in you. Having a support system is special, and life without it would be immensely challenging. This type of love was designed specifically by God and what some call storge love.

This is a familial kind of love, which means it is a love that is naturally formed between those in families or in close relationship with one another. It is a gift from God; it is deeply devoted, affectionate and loving in such a way that often shares reciprocated protection over each other. We can find storge love scattered throughout God’s Word. When Ruth’s husband died, she made the decision to loyally care for her mother-in-law, Naomi. Their love for one another endured as their husband and dear son passed on, and while Ruth loved and took care of her mother-in-law, Naomi was always looking out for Ruth. If this love for one another were absent, Naomi would probably suffer living on her own, and Ruth would have never had the opportunity to meet her new husband. The love between them as mother and daughter-in-law served as a strong support system as they followed God in both challenging times and exciting times. They didn’t leave each other’s side.

Within our families, or extended family, having a strong sense of that familial love is important; just as it is important to have a strong support system as an athlete among our teammates and coaches. A strong support system doesn’t only make us a better athlete, friend or family member but that love also pushes us to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. When we walk through hardships we cannot make it through alone, we need God and God knows we need the love of our family and teammates to support us too.

Storge love is such a gift! Thank God today for the love you receive from your family, from your team and from those who support and encourage you to grow strong in your faith.

  • Do you have someone to support you and lean on through life?
  • How does your support system encourage one another to stand strong in faith?
  • How does having a strong support system affect the way you live and play your sport?

Luke 8:4-56; Colossians 3:13; 1 Corinthians 3:13


“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gift of love. Forgive me for not loving the ones You have given me to encourage; I want to have a strong support system and be a support system too. I pray that You’d help me to show gratitude for those who love me well and to support the people You have given me to love. I love You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.”

Bible Reference: 
1 John 4:19
Luke 8:4-56
Colossians 3:13
1 Corinthians 3:13