Oops I Did it Again
By Mike Tipton
"For this very reason make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge." 2 Peter 1:5
Most of you have probably heard the greatly catchy, but annoying Britney Spears song "Oops I did it Again". The lyrics of this song go something like "Oops I did it again, I played with your heart". The song stresses the idea of not only making the same mistakes over and over, but leading someone into thinking we like them more than we actually do. Unfortunately our lives as Christians look much the same.
We go to church, pray, read the Bible and do things that all make us feel good and serve as good examples of Christians, but in private or when others aren't looking we continually committ the same sins. Sometimes our human nature of greediness and selfish desires gets the best of us and we sin against God. It's during these times that we need to re-evaluate our lives and make sure we act with grace and humility like God desires and not with a temper tantrum or dirty play like the rest of the world does.
We've all been there. We're playing an important basketball game and the person guarding us is trash talking, pushing, holding and doing every thing in their power (both legal and against the rules) to keep us from playing our game and beating them. It's at these specific moments where it would be easy to trash talk back, foul the other player or many other things that would fall short of God's expectations.
As Christians we have to be on guard of these players on other teams and sometimes our own who don't live up to Godly expectation. it is often too easy to "sink" down to someone's level when playing sports. What I encourage you to do as a child of God, however, is to shun the ways of the world and compete in whatever sport you play in a way that honors God and shows others how important he is in your life. I guarantee you this, when you put an end to the "Oops I did it Again" moments, the rewards will be eternal!
- When things get tough in your sport do you honor God's expectations, or the world's example of dirty play?
- What can you do in your sport to ensure that you honor God with your play and performance?
- 1 Corinthians 1:25
- Ecclesiastes 7:1
Please help me to honor you at all times with my performance in my sport. Please help guard my heart from the "Oops I did it Again" moments that seperate me from you. In your name we pray, Amen.