The Playbook
By Josh Carter
“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” -- Psalm 119:105
One of the common elements in all levels of football, from pee-wee to pro, is the playbook.
Without the game plan contained in the playbook, teams and players would be in a state of confusion, not knowing what to do or where to go. On the other hand, no matter how good the playbook is, it’s absolutely useless if the players don’t study and apply it on the field.
When it comes to life, there is no better playbook than the Word of God. It contains everything we need to defeat the opposition (the devil). Although we may recognize that God has a plan for our lives, we often do not acknowledge that the devil also has a game plan for our lives, which is in complete opposition to God’s. The devil’s plan is to steal and kill and destroy our lives, while God’s plan is to give us a full and abundant life. (John 10:10)
In order for us to consistently overcome our life’s adversary, we must (1) know what God’s “playbook” says by reading and studying it, and (2) apply what it says to our lives. If we don’t, we are playing right into the hands of our enemy.
- Do you study God’s “playbook” every day?
- What are some specific ways in which you can apply God’s Word to your life today as you train and compete?
“God, I pray that as I spend time reading Your Word, the promises in this playbook will be written on my heart. Help me apply what I read in my day-to-day life. Amen.”