
A Real "Super" Bowl

"And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory."

-Colossians 3:4 

Super Bowl week is finally here. After waiting for months to see who would make it we have two good teams…Da Bears and the Colts. Being in Chicago, all I hear is about the Bears, and very little about the Colts other than Peyton Manning. But this year's game takes on another interesting turn for fans and coaches across the country. I am not referring to having both coaches being African American (though I think that is long overdue and fantastic), but rather about having two Christian men coaching the big game. The men are truly "Super" men of God and have not been trying to hide it in any way. Football is not their god; it is simply what they do. I think that is super just for them to verbalize it publicly and to live it out.
In Paul's letter to the Colossians, he encourages them to set their sights on things above, not merely on thing of this earth. He lived out a great example of having God BE his life, not just a part of it. As Christians, it can be easy to compartmentalize our relationship with Christ. He can just be a part of our lives, and many of us are content with that. However, Paul urges that Christ should BE our life. That, in itself, is a super feat for Him.

Even ESPN has caught on to this type of living from Coach Dungy and Coach Smith. To quote a recent article, "Dungy and Smith are Christian men who serve the Lord first and spend nearly as much time serving their communities. Doesn't prevent them from winning. . .After they won their conference championships, you heard Smith talk about his 'being blessed' and Dungy give thanks to God. That isn't just lip service with these guys. As Christians they believe it is their responsibility to let their light shine whenever they're in the spotlight. Just as they have a game plan for each other come Super Bowl Sunday, both plan to use the global platform that the Super Bowl provides to speak words that could make an impact beyond football." These super words. . .simply that Christ is their life, not football! The game will be played, someone will win, but what is super about this week is watching men of character lead their teams where it matters most. . .by example! And for the record, my jersey won't be blue and orange. My Hoosier heritage runs deep. Go GOD, and go Colts! 

1. Is Christ a part of your life, or IS Christ your life?
2 Is your example as a coach or athlete worthy of following?

3. Today, how can I live out an example that demonstrates that Christ is my life? 

Psalm 119:1-5
Matthew 6:19-20

Colossians 1:15-18 

Bible Reference: 
Colossians 3