
Remember the Fundamentals


“For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:8-9


As the number one golfer in the world, Scottie Scheffler has captivated the golfing world. Not only is Scheffler a fantastic golfer, but a man who represents Christ on and off the course.

When you watch Scheffler on the course, it is clear that he plays with ease and peace of mind, not commonly seen. Golf is a mental game that takes years to master, and as a PGA player, the skills they are working on surpass the ability of the everyday golfer.

Before starting a round of golf, players generally warm up at the driving range. The range is where golfers get focused and warm up before their tee time. If you watch Scheffler, you will see him warming up with a training grip. This warmup is unique because a training grip is usually only used by beginning golfers to help them learn how to hold the golf club.

Why is the number one golfer in the world using a training grip meant for beginners before he goes out and plays? It’s because Scheffler knows that you cannot forget the fundamentals. Yes, Scheffler has mastered golf skills that many golfers envy, but that isn’t what he is focused on. He knows that if you forget the basics, the advanced skills you have learned will be useless.

How often in our faith do we ignore the fundamentals? We get caught up in eloquent prayers, theological questions and debates, and cultural issues that produce strife. Even though those things might have a place, we cannot do them properly if we lose sight of our foundation.

Rediscover the God you fell in love with at the beginning of your journey with Him, seek the Lord through His Word, and communicate with our Father in prayer.

  • What in your faith have you made too complex?
  • What spiritual practice can you decide to work on today?
  • What daily practice do you need to incorporate into your life?

“Abba Father, remind us of who You are. Strip away anything we have built up that isn’t helpful to our relationship with You. Remind us how to seek You; to be with You simply. Give us the discipline to not forget how to be humble. Amen.”