
Responding to Mistakes


"Immediately a rooster crowed a second time, and Peter remembered when Jesus had spoken the word to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” When he thought about it, he began to weep." –Mark 14:72


How do you react when you make a mistake on the field? Do you get down on yourself or angry? Sometimes on the golf course, especially during college, I’d hit a bad shot at a critical moment and get frustrated. Then I would follow that mistake with a bad decision on the next shot and get into even more trouble. With experience, I got better at controlling my emotions.

There are numerous examples in the Bible of people making mistakes. Some went on to be great warriors for Christ; others followed a path of self-destruction. Peter is a great example of someone making a bad choice. On three occasions, Peter denied he knew Christ. Peter could have allowed the guilt he felt to destroy him; but he confessed, sought forgiveness, and became a leader of the early church. His response to the mistake and the Lord’s restoration allowed him to move forward. The good news is that the Lord is still in the restoration business. He knows we will make mistakes, but is more interested in our response than in the mistake itself. If we respond with anger or self-pity, chances are we’ll make many more. But if we seek forgiveness and learn from it, God forgives us and can restore us.


1. How do you react when you make a mistake?
2. What are some things you can do to change how you react?
3. How do you respond to others when they make a mistake?


Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:31-34; John 21:15-19


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. Forgive me for making bad choices that lead me away from You. Please guide me. Thank You for restoring me when I humble myself before You. Amen.

Bible Reference: 
John 21