
Teach What You Have Learned


“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:2


Once, during my service as a character coach, I witnessed something remarkable. A younger offensive lineman asked another for help on a particular move he had trouble figuring out. He asked a more experienced player, who gladly took him aside and showed him how he did it. The rest of the team had stopped for water, but that older player used his water break to make his team better in an important way.

Taking the time to help a teammate learn something is a special way to pour into someone else. Paul’s instruction to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2 was to “…commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Jesus commissioned us in Matthew 28 to make disciples, and Paul gave us a great example through his instruction. Anytime we can help someone to grow as a person, athlete, and especially as a believer in Jesus Christ, we should come alongside them as best we can.

Maybe you’ll show a teammate how to do a specific move, help a classmate with a homework problem, or share the love and sacrifice of Jesus with someone who needs to hear. It takes focus and time. But, if you are willing to be used by God to show His love and to teach truth, He will work through you in amazing ways. And, when you come alongside another, you will show them how to do the same. That glorifies our Father in Heaven.  

  • Did you ever have to get help in the classroom or sports? What happened?
  • Have you ever had the chance to help another learn? What was that like for you?
  • Have you ever had the opportunity to pour spiritually into someone? What happened?

“Father, through Your Word and followers, I have come to know You. Please give me Your eyes so I can see others who need to know about You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”