
Where Are You Planted?


“The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.” – Jeremiah 17:7-8


Having a superstar on your team is good, but what happens when that superstar gets hurt or moves away?

You see it all the time in sports: a team built around one player, and as soon as that player is no longer on the team, they fall apart. This is not because the other players aren’t more talented but because they had placed all their confidence in one person instead of the whole team. They looked to this one teammate to be the source of all their talent and didn’t believe that the rest of them mattered.

Often, we place our confidence in fleeting things that could be taken away at any moment. When we do this, we leave ourselves open to the world taking control of who we think we are.

Jeremiah teaches us that we will be blessed if we place our confidence in Christ. It is described as a strong tree planted by the water. With the tree’s roots firmly planted by the water, even when drought and heat come, the tree will remain green and keep producing fruit. If we place our confidence in Christ and not this world, we will not succumb to it but will keep producing spiritual fruits when the hard times come.

A team that isn’t built on one person can survive after that person leaves because they have deeper roots than just one person. It’s essential to plant your roots deep into the Word and God’s love for you. If we do, then we cannot be shaken. We will remain strong while facing adversity.

  • Where are your roots currently planted? In Christ or the world?
  • Where do you find your confidence?
  • What is something you think you couldn’t live without?

“Father, what a beautiful picture You give us in Jeremiah about the strength You give us if we plant ourselves next to You. Help us not to place our confidence in fleeting worldly ideas and people. Convict us in the places where we depend too much on this world and not enough on You. Amen.”