
Why Do I Keep Doing That?


“For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold as a slave under sin. For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate.” – Romans 7:14-15


As a coach, my husband has had many different types of players with many strengths and weaknesses.

One player, in particular, had incredible talent but had issues controlling his temper. After many discussions and blow-ups on the field, the player finally admitted that he hates his temper and feels like it controls him. He didn’t want to act foolish or make the team look bad, but he had no clue why he couldn’t control the fits of anger while playing. This is a perfect example of how our sinful nature temps us to act in a way we do not want to.

Paul confirms in Romans that sin compels us into confusion over our actions. He even states that sin causes us to do exactly what we hate and do what we do not want to do. So, if you struggle with sin and consistently do what you know you don’t want to do, you are not alone.

The good news is that Christ provides a way to break this sin cycle and be free. Is it easy? No, it is not, but it is worth it. You must constantly surrender your heart and will to Christ and pray that Christ intervenes and strengthens you through the Holy Spirit to fight this sin. Surround yourself with mentors and accountability partners who can help you stay on track. Pray that Satan has no strongholds over you and fight back against temptation with Scripture. It will take work, but being free from this sin will open your life to much more joy and freedom than you ever expected.

That same player who admitted his struggles to my husband is now walking each day closer and closer to his goal of being free from anger and letting his temper control him. One of the first steps is admitting that you are human and need help.

  • What is the sin in your life that causes you to act in a way you do not wish to?
  • What have you done thus far to help get rid of this sin?
  • Are you trying to stop sinning alone or asking God for help?

“Lord God, thank You for Your Word that helps us know what is good and wrong. We would be lost without it. Lord, You know that we all struggle with certain sins. You know what I struggle with daily. Please grant us the Holy Spirit’s power to fight this temptation so we can walk in Your freedom. Amen.”