
Why Them?


For though they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became worthless, and their senseless hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles.” – Romans 1:21-23


In whatever sport you play, who do you look up to?

Have you ever asked yourself why you admire that particular player? Is it because they are the best at their work, or do they make the most money? Is it because of their character on and off the field or how they support their team? I challenge you to take a moment to picture your players and determine why you admire them.

There is nothing wrong with having people to look up to in this world, such as examples of athletes who have achieved the goals you are working towards each day. Let’s take a step back and evaluate how much of our identity and goals are wrapped up in this star. Have they become an idol? Has their life become your definition of success?

As Christians, the only life we should try to emulate is the life of Christ, and Scripture is very clear on how easy it can be to fall prey to the worldly worship of men and women. Even when the person we idolize is good, maybe even a follower of Christ, we must be careful not to inflate them to a God-like status.

Find people to admire, but make sure you know that all their great qualities did not come from them but from the only perfect source, Jesus Christ.

  • What Christ-like characteristics of Jesus are evident in your favorite player?
  • Pick one characteristic of Christ. How can you strive to emulate that this week?

“Heavenly Father, reveal to me how I have made idols of the people around me. Convict me that You are the perfect example of how to live and that all goodness flows from You. Help me this week to realize when my goals and success are based on this world and not Your Word. Amen.”