Watch Your Mouth - Pt 1
- Devotional
You hear it on ESPN, read it in the papers, see it on the news: smack! Smack is a common form of vernacular used by players and sometimes coaches...
- Devotional
$10 Million Tongue
As competitors, it is often hard to guard our mouths. Carson Palmer, a Heisman Trophy winner and the No. 1 NFL draft pick in 2003, signed a $49...
- Devotional
As a young coach I had a short fuse, especially when it came to dealing with men in stripes. It was hard keeping my mouth shut, and I often said...
Think Before You Speak
- Devotional
Damaging Words
Have you ever turned your TV on to a ball game and witnessed a coach or player saying words you did not want your children to repeat? Foul language...
- Bible Study
Taming the Tongue
This is an article to help a sport chaplain or sport mentor to deal with the issue of cursing and vulgar language among his/... - Bible Study
The athletic field seems to be a place where bad language runs rampant. But rotten talk isn’t only swearing; it's also words... - Icebreaker
Cow - Tongue Football
Go to your local meat market and purchase a cow tongue (yes people eat them, usually boiled!) Keep the tongue frozen until...