Prayer as Preparation
By Mark Jones
“We have acted corruptly toward you and have not kept the commands, statutes, and ordinances you gave your servant Moses.” – Nehemiah 1:7
Former National Football League defensive tackle John Henderson prepped for games by having someone slap him across the face as hard as they could. The night before a game, former National Basketball Association guard Jason Terry would sleep in his opponent’s shorts. Wayne Gretzky, former National Hockey League standout, would eat four hot dogs with mustard and onions before each game. It is said that former horse jockey Laffit Pincay Jr. would eat one single peanut at each race: half before and half after.
If you have been an athlete, you may have had a ritual to prepare for competition. Whether you ate something, wore something or did something, you would be in the right mind space to compete after you did it.
Something essential before you do anything is prayer. Prayer is our communication with our Creator, and it helps align our hearts with His. When Nehemiah got word that Jerusalem was defenseless, he mourned and prayed. He asked God to forgive the sins of his people and help them. Later, Nehemiah got his chance to ask the king for help. Again, he prayed. The king not only gave help but provided resources as well.
Prayer does not guarantee success, but it does help us remember Who is in control of everything. Consider prayer in that pregame ritual of yours. In fact, consider prayer before every endeavor. And remember to be thankful, too. This will help you perform for Him and bring glory to Him in all you do.
- Did you have a pregame ritual? What was it?
- How did that ritual help you focus on competition?
- How can praying before beginning help your endeavors?
“Father, thank You that I can approach Your throne because of Jesus’ work on the cross. Help me, no matter the task, to approach You first, last and in submission to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”