
Why We Do What We Do


“All a person’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs motives. Commit your activities to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” – Proverbs 16:2-3


Have you ever wondered about the motivation behind why we do what we do?

Do we go to the gym to fit the beauty standards of our world, or do we go to keep our bodies healthy and work hard to improve? Do we play our sport for the potential of money and fame or because we have a passion for something and can use this avenue for good? Sometimes, it’s hard to figure out our motivation because, as humans, we can trick ourselves into thinking we are doing something for righteous reasons when our motives are far from it.

Proverbs reminds us that God always knows our motives. We may be able to talk our way through our motives and convince ourselves that they are worthy, but we cannot fool God. God created our hearts and knows what is always flowing through them. Proverbs also reminds us that to change this isn’t just to change our thoughts. We must first commit all we do in action to God, and eventually, our thoughts and motives will line up.

For example, you desire to be named captain of your team next year. Instead of thinking and planning how to convince everyone that you deserve the title, start earning it. Start serving your team by staying late and cleaning up after practice. Offer to help anyone who is struggling to practice more and offer encouragement. Pray for your team and offer to lead prayer before you start a game, maybe even start an FCA Team Huddle.

If you commit to serving your team like Christ serves the church, your thoughts and motivations will follow suit. You will spend less time thinking about how to get something and more time working to pursue the plan and goals God has for you.

  • Take time to evaluate some of your goals. Can you identify what is motivating you to achieve them?
  • What actions can you start doing today to commit yourself to Christ?

“Lord God, You know the why behind everything we do, even when we do things for ourselves and not for You. You see it. Help us today to feel convicted when our motivations do not align with Your Word, and give us the bravery to start serving and committing our actions to You today. Show us how working for You can change our mindset to serving You. Amen.”