
A Heavenly NIL Deal


“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness…’ So God created man in his own image…” – Genesis 1:26-27


An NIL deal is short for Name, Image and Likeness. This is an arrangement between a student-athlete and a third party when the athlete receives compensation for using their name, image and likeness. NIL deals have transformed the athletic world for good.

In Scripture, we do not see NIL deals, but we do see similar language and exchanges. In the very beginning, God, in His goodness, created people. When we read how He did this, we see words such as likeness, image and name. God created us in His image, according to His likeness, and gave us the name He wanted us to have. When we were created, there was a heavenly exchange: God loved us, so He gave us life. But He didn’t stop there. When people sinned and were separated from God, He bought us back through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. The heavenly deal got even better. Not only were we made in His image but saved through His Son.

What does God want in exchange? How do we repay this heavenly NIL deal? We cannot. Unlike the modern-day NIL exchange, where athletes and third parties work together to find terms and agreements for compensation, God only asks for one thing in return: our hearts. He has showered us with His image, love, grace, provision, strength, peace and forgiveness, and all He asks for in return is our love, trust and worship.

An NIL deal binds an athlete to a brand for as long as the contract or agreement lasts. Through God and salvation in Christ Jesus, our heavenly NIL deal lasts for eternity and never runs out. We get to lavish in God’s image, receive the compensation of His mercy and love, and represent the greatest thing ever to a world in great need.

Let’s proudly represent God’s name, image and likeness.

  • How does it make you feel knowing you are made purposefully by God in His image?
  • Knowing this truth, how can you represent God on your team and school?
  • Who can you share this truth with so they can receive a heavenly NIL deal?

“God, I am so thankful I am made in Your image and likeness, and You know me by name. Help me to remain proud to be a Christ-follower and stand up for my faith in You. Let me boldly proclaim Your truth and represent You to a world desperately needing a Savior! Amen.”