
What Courage Can Do


“Be strong, and let your heart be courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord.” – Psalms 31:24


In our culture, the fear of failure has stopped many people from trying new things. Most people would rather stay where they are than risk failing or moving forward.

Each of us is responsible for deciding daily if we will be courageous. Each day you show up to practice, you must determine if you are willing to fail to learn how to succeed.

If you are currently in a slump, what are you doing to get out of it? Are you wallowing and waiting for it to pass, or are you determined to step out in courage and figure out how to get out? It’s easy to sit and become passive, to distract yourself from your goals when you are not meeting them.

If you read Psalm 31 carefully, you see we have a decision to make. We either let our hearts be courageous or we do not. It’s worded in a way that shows us that we have control over how we act. Our hearts desire to be courageous and take a step of faith; God designed them that way. God also gave us free will to decide not to move forward.

We will fail in life. No matter how good you are at your sport, a day will come when you fail. No matter how dedicated you are to your faith, you will mess up and sin. How will you respond?

I pray you respond with strength and allow yourself the courage to go and try. Take a step into the unknown, knowing we have hope in Christ, Who moves with us.

  • What in your life are you afraid to fail at?
  • What does courage mean to you?

“Lord God, give us the courage to try and fail, knowing we take each step with You. Examine our hearts and show us where we are being passive. Ignite a fire within us to pursue courage in our hearts no matter how scary it might be. Amen.”