Perseverance - Chapel
1 – Here we are at game number ___ of our season.
- Let’s take a look back at our season so far.
- We’ve competed at …(tough opponent)
- We’ve endured a… (hard situation)
- We’ve won a hard fought battle with …. (good win)
- We’ve had to battle through… (illness or injury)
- We won on the road at… (big road win)
- We now face a worthy opponent on their home turf with a lot at stake.
- We have handled these tests well and they have made us stronger.
- This reminds me of an encouraging scripture.
2 – James 1:12 (read the text aloud).
- Blessed = being contentedly happy. Remember the bus ride back from ……? Like that.
- It says the one who perseveres under trial, not the one who quits under trial, not the one who whines under trial, not the one who complains under trial.
- It says we are blessed when we refuse to quit and when we continue to move ahead toward the goal.
- Once we have been approved, we will receive the crown of life.
- We prove ourselves in the middle of trials, tests and adversity.
- The result is a crown, a ring, a championship.
3 – Let’s commit ourselves to an attitude that will override every test, trial and each moment of adversity.
This resource provided by Roger D. Lipe
Bible Reference:
James 1