Eyes on the Cross
“…keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” -- Hebrews 12:2
FCA’s new ministry, FCA Outdoors, includes skilled hunters who love the deer hunting season. The colorful, cool, crisp weather of an autumn morning or late afternoon allows them to observe where the deer are moving and if there are some large bucks in play.
They settle in and wait patiently, rifle in hand and scope dialed in, looking for the opportunity to score big. Very often the prize buck could be several hundred yards away. When he shows up, the hunter raises his rifle and looks through the scope, with his eyes keenly focused on the crosshairs, taking careful aim, he slowly pulls the trigger and hits the target. A careless aim or eyes off the crosshairs would mean a missed opportunity.
Similarly, when we keep our eyes on the cross and Jesus Christ, we will hit the target and our purpose for God’s plan for our lives. A great example of this is described in Matthew 14:22-32, when Peter, bold enough to get out of the boat when Jesus approached, began to walk on water toward Him. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, Peter was fine. But when he took his eyes off Jesus and he saw the storm that was around him, he began to sink.
Peter cried out for the Lord to save him. Then Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him. Peter refocused his eyes on Jesus, and experienced His presence and peace, even with the storm raging around him. Peter journeyed with Jesus, keeping his eyes fixed on Him, even watching Him die on the cross for the sin of mankind. He then went on to help build the early church, fulfilling his life’s mission.
That’s what Jesus does for us when we keep our eyes fixed on Him. He rescues us, building our faith, and we experience His presence, peace and purpose. If we take our eyes off Jesus, we get consumed in the storms of life. When we keep our eyes fixed on the cross and Him, He leads us to fulfill our life mission on this earth.
- What are you currently focused on? What has your attention?
- Are you experiencing God’s presence, peace, power and purpose in your life?
- What adjustments need to be made in your perspective and priorities to fix your eyes on Jesus?
“Father, thank You for always pursuing me in a love relationship. Help me to keep my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, especially in the storms and distractions in life. Teach me to step out of myself and into Your presence, where there is a peace that surpasses all understanding.”