Nearer to Him
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” – James 4:8a
God wants to be present in all areas of your life. As a coach or athlete, parent or child, as a child of God, He wants to guide you in everything you do.
There is no piece of your being that God does not want access to. He wants to be your wisdom, security and strength. When we see strong people of God in the Bible and hear about strong believers in sports and our world, how can we find that same strength, security and wisdom?
Take Joseph, for example. His brothers sold him to travelers heading for Egypt. He could have been bitter, depressed, or given up. However, in Genesis 39, when he served in the house of Potiphar, the Lord was with him. Potiphar highly trusted him because the Lord was with him. When he was thrown into prison, the jailer gave him responsibilities because “the Lord was with Joseph.” (Genesis 39:21) The closer we get to God, the more we find Him working in and around us.
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” If we want God close to us, we must draw near to Him for His strength, security, and wisdom. We need to seek Him with our whole hearts. We need to talk to Him through prayer and learn about Him through the Bible. We need to create the habit of thanking Him constantly for what He does in our lives.
With Him as your foundation, you can worship Him with your sport. You can serve Him with your life. How cool is that?
- Why do you play or coach the sport you do?
- What comes to mind when thinking about worshipping God through your sport?
- What keeps you from seeking the Lord wholeheartedly?
“Father, please place within me a desire to seek You with my whole heart. Help me to draw near to You. Please, draw near to me. I need You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”