Nothing Beats Teamwork!
"I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News."
— Philippians 1:27b
A couple of years ago, I was in Cambodia doing camp training for sport leaders from East Asia and noticed a place by our hotel called Teamwork Coffee. The next morning, I had to get my coffee and couldn’t wait to see what Teamwork Coffee was all about. I wasn’t disappointed! The coffee was outstanding, the service was great, and the staff truly worked together as a team. They were living out their name! It still makes me smile when I think about seeing that classic teamwork principle plastered on the wall: “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Over the past 11 years while traveling to dozens of countries, I have been blown away with the commitment to teamwork that happens in ministry outside of the United States. It is a default for them. They wouldn’t ever consider doing ministry without including other people and ministries. Unfortunately for us in the United States, we have people and resources to do ministry by ourselves; however, for them, teamwork is a non-negotiable ingredient.
We have been taught that doing things by ourselves is valued and celebrated. Even doing things with others can show weakness—like you need others to be successful. I believe there are many enemies of teamwork, but here are three major ones:
The Enemies of Teamwork:
1. We are Lone Rangers.
- We do things in silos. It is easier to do it yourself instead of including others.
2. We are Blockers.
- We don’t help others advance. It is hard to share credit.
3. We are Me-Monsters.
- We are self-absorbed. It is difficult to trust and believe in others.
We drift toward isolation.
We drive toward connection.
God’s Word is loaded with 100 “one anothers” in 94 New Testament verses – love one another, accept one another, serve one another, and encourage one another are just a few. Two-thirds deal with the church getting along and Christians loving each other. The Bible is filled with examples, principles and commands to work together, not alone.
Paul writes in Philippians 1:27, “I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News.” He encourages the believers to stand together and fight together. What a beautiful picture of teamwork—standing together in unity and fighting together for the Gospel.
There is incredible power in teamwork, but it takes work. It is simple, but not easy, to work with others. Teamwork is messy, because it involves people. Teamwork requires trust not control. Celebrating others’ successes not getting credit. Choosing interdependence over independence. But at the end of the day, teamwork trumps isolation. More gets accomplished and it pleases God when His children work together.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
- Helen Keller
Remember, we is always greater than me, but it involves sacrifice. The Kingdom of God is all about team – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lock arms with other coaches, teammates, friends, and family, because God’s heart explodes when His children work, play and serve together. Nothing Beats Teamwork!
- Have you been part of a great team? What made it great?
- How have you experienced the enemies of teamwork?
- How did Jesus live out the teamwork? How did He form teams?
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Nehemiah 4:15-23; Mark 6:7
Lord, teach me to be a great teammate. I want to always be a part of teams that please You. Amen.