“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had, and bought it.” –Matthew 13:45-46
Jesus continually explained how His Father lavishes love on us! Even though I understand grace, my first impulse is to try to buy my way to heaven. At first glance, I treat the parable of the pearl like I was taught to treat life—to be self-sufficient. In the world of sports, we’re taught that if we have a dream to play for a certain team or run a certain distance, we should set a goal and go for it. We should sell out. So I equate my goal setting to my spiritual life and sell out for God. But if I am brutally honest, I have to admit I don’t have much to sell! I fail too often; I can’t really afford the pearl. We will never be able to afford the pearl. Fortunately, God’s economy is different than ours.
Why can’t we buy this pearl? Because we are the pearl! Jesus is talking about us. We are so important to God that He lavished His love on us and sent His Son to die for us. We are valued beyond any stretch of our imagination. Consider that the Creator of the universe would allow His Son to be beaten and cursed by His creation so that we could be redeemed!
Understanding God’s commitment and the value placed on our lives should bring us to our knees in gratitude, ready to give ourselves completely to the purchaser.
1. Do you understand your value in God’s eyes?
2. Look back at the verse and replace “pearl” with your name. It becomes clear you are valued beyond what you can imagine.
Ephesians 1:7-8
Lord, I have heard so many times that You died on the cross for me; help me to appreciate its meaning. Amen.