Suffering for Christ
-1 Peter 4:16
In today's Scripture reference, Peter talks to people who have been chosen by God to follow Him in obedience (1:1-2). He educates them about being familiar with suffering for Christ, and that they should expect it. In fact, Peter not only wants them to expect it, but also to rejoice when it comes. Rejoice that others recognized that their identity was based in Christ. Rejoice in the fact that God's power was revealed through their lives. Rejoice in the opportunity God gave them to strengthen their faith. Finally, he says those who suffer for bearing God's name would be blessed.
2. When was the last time you suffered because you stood for Christ?
I Peter 1:6-7
"Father, thank You for the suffering You have allowed in my life. More than anything, I commit to standing for Your name, regardless of what earthly consequence may come from it."