Sweet Sugar
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
-John 8:31-32
As a competitor at heart, I love sports video games. I used to play one that involved boxing, and there was one fighter whose nickname was "Sweet Sugar." In this particular game, the system would remind me every time my opponent would knock me out. Truthfully, I didn’t think there was anything “sweet” about that!
I was thinking about Sweet Sugar the other day and thought about a personal dilemma. Sometimes in life I find myself confusing love and grace with the act of “sugar-coating.” What that means is that I gloss over a situation and refuse to deal with the truth about what is going on.
I see it around me often, and I don’t think sugar-coating helps us in most cases. Sugar-coating the truth robs our relationships just like sugar robs our bodies of health. Proverbs 25:16 says, "If you find honey, eat only what you need; otherwise, you’ll get sick from it and vomit.” Personally, I’ve been dishing out too much sweet talk, lately, and it’s making me sick.
One problem in not speaking truth is that it allows Satan to sow seeds of irresponsibility. Biblical and Christians figures I admire the most told it like it was. They were gentle and kind when needed, but strong and firm more often than was comfortable. Somehow, the love in their hearts radiated out even in the midst of speaking tough messages.
When it comes to what is truly sweet, nothing beats seeing God change a life. And that often happens through those of His children who are willing to speak His tough but sweet truth to others.
Today, let's allow our words to be strong, firm and truthful. Let's allow ourselves to be told the truth and to love it. Let's allow God's truth to work in our lives and relationships. No more sweet sugar; let’s leave that to the boxing ring.
1. In what ways have you been suppressing the truth inside you?
2. Do you find yourself repeatedly feeling like people don't know how you truly think about things?
3. Is it ever appropriate to NOT speak difficult words? When?
4. How do you know the difference between when to speak difficult truth and when to wait? Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for your words today and ask Him to speak through you.
2 Timothy 2:24-26
2 Peter 1:12