"I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. But I protested, 'Oh no, Lord GOD! Look, I don't know how to speak since I am only a youth.' Then the Lord said to me: Do not say: I am [only] a youth; for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you. Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. [This is] the LORD's declaration." - Jeremiah 1:5-8
Set My oldest son Brooks was a lot like the typical student-athlete in many ways. When he was in high school he went to church, got decent grades, competed in volleyball and basketball and insisted to me that he was not a leader. As a result, he kind of hung back and let others do the leading. But let me tell you some other things about him. He was chosen team captain multiple times. He made all-league, received numerous team awards and was voted Homecoming King his senior year. Does this still sound like a regular guy? Maybe not, but Brooks thought he was.
When we look around and compare ourselves to others we sometimes don't think we have as much to offer as the next person. Jeremiah, a prophet of God, felt the same way. He thought he was just a regular person like Brooks…like you. But God doesn't see any of us as "regular" people.
The Bible tells us that Jeremiah was "set apart before he was born." Set apart meant that he had a specific job, just like you. You have been set apart for many things—to compete, to love, to serve and more. The Bible tells us that God gave Jeremiah the ability to perform his task, and the same is true for you.
I know it's tough to be a Christian, especially if you are a regular person. But, you have God to lead you. You have God to give you the words. You have God to keep you guarded. God is there. Bottom line: You have a choice to believe this and live accordingly or wimp out and make excuses. God filled Jeremiah's mouth with words. He will fill yours, too!
Go 1. What kind of excuses do we make for not speaking out for God?
2. How could you speak for God on your campus or at your job?
3. How could you speak for God on your team?
Workout Psalm 139:13-16
Matthew 28:19-20
Bible Reference:
Matthew 28