God desires to redeem a broken world and the world of sports. Learn what God wants to do in you, through you and in your sport.
- Video
FCA Interview with Texas Rangers’ All-Star Josh Hamilton
- Audio
Forget the Past
Does your past have a grip on you? It’s time to let it go and move on! - Article
Have you ever fallen into the pit of despair, landing in a pool of your toxic mistakes and filthy sin? There in the depths... - Article
'It's a GOD Thing"
Prior to the 1999 Major League Draft, Josh Hamilton was considered a prospect with all the tools. A 6’4” southpaw who could... - Article
Redeeming Love
“Love.” What a commonly used word with so many meanings. It can express how we feel about almost anything. We love our jobs... - Bible Study
God’s Redemptive Plan - Daniel Study - Chapter 8
If you have not received Christ as your Savior and Lord, I ask you to please read the following pages. The most important... - Bible Study
Session 3: Missing the Mark
How Does God Forgive Me? How Can I Forgive? READY Imagine that the game or match is on the line and your number is called...