
After You Suffer


“The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little while.” -- 1 Peter 5:10


As the runners came through the aid station at 14 miles, most were happy and content despite the deepening darkness and constant downpour for the last several hours.

Dry Branch Gap was the second aid station during the grueling 100-mile Grindstone, a footrace that traverses Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Those who would eventually complete the marathon had to first conquer a total of 46,000 feet of elevation changes that tested the runners’ muscle fibers, tendons and ligaments — and their resolves to hold out hope.

By the time they came to the aid station again at 87 miles, the question, “What can I get for you?” was often answered with lengthy pauses. It was as if fatigue caused a fogginess that disconnected their brains from their mouths. Still, most runners persisted in tackling the final distance despite the pain. Why? Because they knew their suffering was temporary. Afterward, they would recover, be strengthened and be ready to run again.                                                                                      

As Christians, why should we be prepared to suffer? A Christian who suffers for the name of Christ is made stronger. Christians have the hope that temporary pain will bring about sweet restoration. And it will. The God of all grace promises us that.

  • Can gains in strength and resolve in competition and in your faith be accomplished without some element of suffering?
  • How can you prepare yourself for the suffering you could experience in both areas?

“Father, may I be confident that suffering is not without purpose. Help me endure so that I may experience true restoration, strength and maturity that come only in the aftermath of pain. Amen.”