
Recovery Is Coming


In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. 1 Peter 5:10


As the athlete rounded the track for the final lap, he gasped for air, his heart pounding, and his legs burning. He was pushing as hard as he could. He was giving it 100% and it was only a training session! But what motivated him was the rest and recovery that was coming.

High-intensity interval training can seem brutal and painful. In many sports that involve running, an interval workout is necessary for building strength and speed. It involves a series of high-intensity workouts interspersed with periods of rest and recovery.

We are in a brutally painful season right now in our world, but we can look forward to the rest and recovery that is coming. That is the hope we have as followers of Christ. Even in the turmoil and struggles we may be experiencing today, God calls us to rest. We can see this modeled in Genesis. After six days of creation and He had finished His work, God rested and He blessed that day and made it holy.

During times of struggle, there will be a season of recovery. God promises that and we all look forward to that day! In the meantime, we can rest in His presence and in His promises. He will give us rest and restoration as we focus and depend on Him. As we wait, He will build our character and our faith not letting any pain and suffering go to waste.

If we give God our burdens, worry, and anxiety, He gives us rest, comfort, and peace. It’s an amazing exchange! We have so much to look forward to as He does His work in our lives. Be patient because rest and recovery are right around the corner.

  1. What burdens, worry, and anxiety can you give to God today?
  2. What intentional steps can you take to build rest and time with God into your routine?
  3. Are you waiting patiently and anticipating the recovery and restoration that is coming?

Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 23:2-4; Mark 6:31


Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us rest when we need it most. Thank You for the promises in Your Word that remind us that You care for us and that You are always with us even in the darkest times. Thank You for bringing us to the foot of the cross where Jesus suffered and died but was resurrected and restored to life.

Bible Reference: 
1 Peter 5:10
Matthew 11:28-30
Psalms 23:2-4
Mark 6:31