
The Basics


“Tie them to your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” – Proverbs 7:3


I began ballet at the age of 3 and continued until I was 22. The one thing I learned about ballet, and it goes for every sport, is that one never graduates from the basics. I used what I learned when I was 3 until I was 22.

In the early years, athletes learn the basics of their sport. The basics vary per sport but are usually rooted in correct form and stance, rules and regulations, and technique and proper movements. As athletes get older, they do not move farther from these things but add to them. If athletes forget the basics, they will get sloppy, mess up, and can get hurt. Athletes never graduate or move away from the basics and foundation of their sport.

The same is true for our faith. When people first hear about God, they learn about His love for them and what He did for them. This is called the Gospel. The Gospel is the foundation, the basics, the very thing our faith is rooted and placed in. Everything else we learn is built on top of the Gospel. But sometimes, we drift away from the Gospel. Sometimes, we get bored, forget it, or feel like we have graduated from it and can move on. But, just like sports, if we move away and leave the basics of the Gospel behind, we will get sloppy, mess up, and even get hurt.

We never graduate from the Gospel and constantly need to go back to the core of our faith to be reminded that we are sinners and God lovingly saved us. When we live in a constant mindset of the Gospel, we will always remember the beauty of the first time we said yes to Jesus.

  • What is the first thing you remember learning in your sport? Do you still use it?
  • How can you remind yourself of the truth of the Gospel daily?
  • Why can we never forget the Gospel?

“God, sometimes I forget the Gospel. Sometimes, I even get bored hearing the same message. But help me see that the Gospel is the core of my faith and relationship with You. Let me live in remembrance of the Good News of the Gospel. I pray I hold it close to me and build everything on top of it. Amen.”