
Be Coachable


“The one who follows instruction is on the path to life, but the one who rejects correction goes astray.” – Proverbs 10:17


My dad would always tell us to “be coachable.” In short, he meant that one should always accept correction. He would remind us that we can always learn something no matter the circumstances. You know to expect correction from your parents, coach or teacher. What happens when it’s a friend, sibling or teammate?

We often don’t like accepting correction from our peers or people we deem beneath us. But reread our verse. There is no conditional statement about status being a valid reason to refuse correction.

The Lord calls us to be humble, and an aspect of humility is not placing someone’s value beneath our own. When we do that, we believe they have nothing to contribute. If we think that they don’t add value, we will reject the correction, and, as Proverbs 10:17 states, that will lead us astray.

God can speak through anyone, and we would be wise never to count someone out based on worldly standing. If your teammates offer correction, don’t let pride stand in the way of growth. Work on being humble, accepting the correction, and thanking them for helping you stay the course.

  • How do you deal with correction?
  • Are you able to give corrections to your friends?

“Heavenly Father, we come before You now asking You to decrease our pride so that we will be open to correction. Remove any sense that we are above correction and help us not be led astray. Bring people into our lives who are not scared to offer us correction. Amen.”