
The Calling


“He who calls you is faithful; he will do it..” –1 Thessalonians 5:24 


Many times on the Christian journey, we sense God calling us to do something. Sometimes, though, the task seems too great or our resources seem too small. Other times, God’s call can feel overwhelming and cause us to doubt whether we really heard Him at all. Thankfully, He has given us His Scriptures to speak directly to our fears and doubts when it comes to matters related to His call.

The apostle Paul knew that his friends in Thessalonica sometimes struggled with whether they had heard God’s call. So he wrote to them about why they could trust God when He asked them to do something, reminding them that God had never stopped being faithful to provide for them, lead them or be with them. In fact, in 1 Thessalonians 5:10, Paul wrote, “[Our Lord Jesus Christ] died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him” (NIV). God proved His faithfulness in the person of Jesus Christ, who took human doubts and fears to the cross!

Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 is a marvelous promise for those who hear God’s call to coach. It says nothing about the abilities of the hearer, but it speaks volumes about the One who does the calling. He is called faithful, that is, fully reliable to do that which He promised. Is there any greater encouragement? But He does not stop there: He says that He will bring it to pass. (That’s much better than saying that He’d watch as we try to bring it to pass!) 

This powerful verse causes me to trust in the Lord through this marvelous process called pursuing His will. He both calls us and carries out His will in us. Our part is to answer, to make ourselves available for His service and to look to Jesus who is proof of His faithfulness!


1. What does it mean to be called by God?
2. Do you see coaching or an athlete as job or a calling? Explain.
3. How do you know that you really heard God’s call? 


Exodus 3:1-10
1 Samuel 3:1-9
Luke 1:26-29 


Gracious God, please give me ears to hear Your voice calling me to Yourself, and the confidence to respond for the sake of Your glory. Amen. 

Bible Reference: 
1 Thessalonians 5