By Joe Davis
Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Hockey Chat: There was a time where not much direct coaching seem to be given to the goalies. But as time went on they became more of a focus. In the early 1980’s goalie camps started springing up all over. These days, goalies spend hours and days of intense training. They go over skills again and again. Watch the same videos to study players. All to be the best between the pipes.
Life Lesson: This Old Testament verse was a statement of the importance of studying God’s word that has never lost importance through the years. When you read and think about God’s word, it impacts all areas of your life. Trials turn to triumphs because you understand how God is working in your life. Troubles are overcome because you are given the word on how to win your battles. I hope these verses are a blessing to you. Take time to think about the verse. Let His word give you the good life he offers you.