
Creating a New Normal


Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, along with the church that meets in their home. — 1 Corinthians 16:19b


Most coaches have heard the phrase “the coaches’ widow.” Among football coaches, that phrase is explained with the following admonition: “Kiss your wife in August and tell her you’ll see her in December.” That’s the motto that most coaches live by in our culture. Funny thing is, Christ never challenged us to do what “most people” do. As Christians, we are called to live to a higher standard—to create a new normal in our culture.

If coaching is the ministry to which Christ has called us, are our spouses a part of that ministry? Take a look at the biblical couple Aquila and Priscilla in Acts 18 and the way Paul explains how they used their marriage in their ministry. They worked together as tentmakers and brought Paul into their home. When Paul left to pursue his ministry, Aquila and Priscilla traveled with him. They also “coached” a Jew named Apollos. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately. What a great similarity to the role of a coach! How many young people do we work with each day who may have a basic understanding of God, but who could use a living testimony to explain the way of God more adequately?

Rather than viewing our spouses as separate from coaching, let’s look to the Lord to make coaching a ministry that both of us can take part in. Whether in an active role at an FCA Camp or Huddle, providing post-game treats, or being a silent prayer partner, spouses can be a dynamic part of our coaching.


1. In what order do you rank the following relationships: Christ, your spouse and family, your job, your success?
2. How do you ensure that you keep your focus, even in the heart of the coaching season?
3. What is the single most important thing your spouse could do to support you as a coach?


Extra Reading: Acts 18


Lord, help me keep my focus on You and show me the ways my family can be a part of my ministry as a coach. Amen.
