
A Decision or a Commitment


“There was a man from the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to him at night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one could perform these signs you do unless God were with him.’ Jesus replied, ‘Truly I tell you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’” -- John 3:1-3


As you train for your sport, you have probably noticed some people at the gym spending a lot of time on their upper bodies, staring at themselves in the mirror and not paying much attention to the development of their lower bodies.

But sometimes, we as Christians follow the same kind of approach to discipleship. We spend much of our time teaching people to believe but often forget that believing and following are connected. Jesus said “Believe in Me” five times, and “Follow Me” 20 times. In other words, religion and a decision are not enough. It must translate into commitment and a relationship with Jesus.

In John 5, we read about Nicodemus, a well-known and respected man of God. He was a member of the Sanhedrin, an elite group of 72 religious leaders. But now, he finds himself at a crossroads between decision and commitment. What will happen if people find out he was meeting a homeless carpenter, who became a rabbi, from a nothing town called Galilee? Following Jesus would cost him about everything: his position, income, respect from the group, friendships and family relationships. Therefore, he decided to meet Jesus during the night. There, Nicodemus begins to understand that Jesus would not accept a relationship where he simply believes; Jesus wants Nicodemus to follow Him – night and day. We notice how Nicodemus changes. (John 7:51-52) And in John 19, we see how he helped prepare the body of Jesus – he was now becoming a true follower.

Like Nicodemus, following Jesus will cost us something. It will be true in your sport, life, relationships, marriage, etc. Jesus is not interested in a little touch-up, tune-up or makeup. No, Jesus wants a complete renovation, overhaul and makeover of our lives. Indeed: there is no life without death – no belief without commitment.

  • Has following Jesus ever cost you a relationship with a teammate, a friend or family member?
  • In what ways could you bring them alongside you and your walk with Christ?

“Dear heavenly Father, I sometimes still believe in the darkness. Help me to follow You in the light. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”