


Our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this vast multitude that comes to fight against us. We do not know what to do, but we look to You. — 2 Chronicles 20:12


Every day as coaches, we face many decisions that will affect our team. We need to deal with everything from what to do at practice, to who should be the starters in the next game. Some decisions are bigger than others, but they all have some bearing on our team. Every once in a while we may find ourselves in a position where we have no clue what decision to make or how to resolve an issue. It is at those times that we turn to assistant coaches, athletic directors, and others for help.

God wants us to do the same thing with the daily decisions we make as Christians. Some decisions are much easier than others, but they all have some affect on our team—on other ambassadors for Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul declares, “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ; certain that God is appealing through us, we plead on Christ’s behalf, ‘Be reconciled to God.’ ” That is a lot of pressure. Sometimes we don’t always know how to be the best ambassador or how to make the best decision. It is at these moments that God wants us to look to Him. We may not always know what to do, but if we keep our eyes on Him, we have already won the battle.


1. What major decisions do you face as a coach?
2. Have there been times when you made a wrong decision as a coach?
3. Do you automatically turn to God for big decisions in your life? What about the small decisions?


Extra Reading: Proverbs 3:5–6; Philippians 4:6–9


Lord, please give me the wisdom to make the right decisions for You daily. Thank You for Your Word and Your Spirit that I can use to guide me. I pray that I may continue to keep my eyes on You, so that I will not stray from Your path. Amen.
