


“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -- Mark 10:45


Former NBA point guard Chauncey Billups once said, “To be a good leader, at some point you have to be a good follower.”

So, what about you?

“Are you a leader or a follower?” I heard that question constantly from my youth pastor, parents, coaches and friends. A subtle principle was communicated through that question: Be a leader, not a follower! But if everyone is leading, then who is following? In our recognition-driven society, we all want to lead. Volumes have been written on leadership, but very little on followership.

What society is missing is that followership is the beginning of leadership. The best competitors have mastered the art of following. Following does not mean doing what everyone else is doing. Following means intentionally watching and learning from others. You observe those who are walking in a manner worthy of the Lord, who live with humility and courage, who exhibit integrity and compassion, who make wise decisions, and then you choose to follow in their footsteps.

Followership starts at the foot of the cross. We must be willing to pick up our cross and follow Him daily. Remember, when you follow well, you lead well.

  • What does it look like to you to be a follower of a teammate or a coach?
  • How can followership change your team, family, school, church and community? 

Luke 9:23-24


“God, I desire to lead before following. Teach me how to let go of my pride and be a good follower. Amen.”