
Don't Get Caught Unprepared

"So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

-Matthew 24:44 

It was the 4X400 meter relay, and the team was ready to take on its opponents. The official gave instructions, and the relay teams got ready to race. When the they were ready, the official began to call out the commands: "Runners to your mark. . . Set. . . " BANG! Off went the gun, and so did the runners, running steadily and increasing their speed.
As it came to the first handoff, everybody in the crowd was eagerly watching as the crucial part of the race went off successfully. But one handoff didn't; a baton was dropped. The runner had not been properly prepared to receive the baton from his teammate.
This reminded me, just like the athlete who was not prepared in the race, sometimes we are not prepared spiritually. Matthew 24:36-51 talks about how the day and hour is unknown when the end will come and the Lord will return. Since it is unknown, we must always be prepared. For example, we should be repenting and forgiving, loving our neighbors as ourselves and obeying the Lord's commandments on a daily basis! We must live every day like it is the last; and therefore, for everything we do or have done wrong, we must ask forgiveness.

Don't be the person who is unprepared when the Lord returns, but rather, be the one who is prepared and ready to meet the Father face to face. 

1. If the end were to come today, would you be spiritually prepared or unprepared?

2. What is one way that you can improve yourself spiritually to be sure that you are prepared?  


Matthew 24:36-51 

Bible Reference: 
Matthew 24