
Finding Joy


Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.” – John 16:24


While not really an athlete anymore, I still find joy in playing basketball. There is still a fun anticipation with the chance to play. Being with people I enjoy playing with and trying my best to compete and help my teammates is still a thrill.

If God has put something on your heart, be it a skill or a passion for something in any area of life, you can find joy in doing it.

Joy comes from a Greek word that means cheerfulness or calm delight. It is something that doesn’t burst into our lives at moments, but something that we live with constantly. Jesus said He wants us to have that kind of joy. Psalm 37:4 says, “Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desires.” He wants to give us hearts that match His heart. In John 16:24, Jesus said He wants our joy to be complete as we ask of Him the desires He has given us.

We should want to have joy all the time, not just in our sport or other activities. But true joy will only be found in the Lord. Having that joy in our hearts will change how we see everything, including the sports we love. Let’s seek Him so we can find our joy complete.

  • What gives you the most joy about your sport?
  • What are some areas in life that take your joy away?
  • Do you find joy in the Lord? How can you grow in this?

“Father, You are the only true source of joy. Please change my heart to look like Yours. Help me to find that joy that is in You alone. In His name, I pray, Amen.”