

Learn from some of the best in this collection of resources geared to help you grow as a leader in your sport and on your team.
  • Bible Study

    Leadership - Chapel

    1 – Today’s characteristic of Successful People and Successful Teams is Solid Leadership. • Think about the best leaders...
  • Bible Study


    Some leaders shout, push, and manipulate everyone toward their highest performance, while others speak softly, nurture, and...
  • Bible Study


    Leadership is not easily defined, but it can be easily seen. And no one has ever modeled great leadership more clearly than...
  • Bible Study

    Servant Leadership - Chapel

    1 – Today’s competition will require a tremendous amount of leadership for us to be victorious. It will require a unique...
  • Devotional

    The Leadership Secret

    All great leaders have the awareness of their personal limitations and inadequacy.
  • Devotional

    True Leadership (Serving - Chapter 4)

    From his study of leadership, Pat Williams is convinced that there are seven sides to being an effective leader. The first is vision, or the...

  • Devotional


    You don’t follow others based on championships, title or position but example and influence.
  • Devotional

    Authority and Power

    What is the key to attaining a position of power and influence? How do leaders and other people of prestige and authority reach their positions? It...

  • Article

    League Leaders

    On paper, 15 pounds is just about all that separates John Smoltz , Mike Sweeney and Tim Salmon . All are accomplished, 6-...
  • Article

    Where are the Leaders?

    I have noticed an alarming trend in sports over the last several years. The leaders have disappeared. I see it when watching...